The lost nude

The lost nude

Large square book (50cmX50cm)
featuring 18 metaphorical variations inspired by René Char’s poem.

Through a succession of graphics captured by the palimpsest method,
To approach the irreducible singularity of body plasticity.

The nude,
inscribed in the black square – caught in the white square.
An effect of the poem.
Beams, lines and perspectives intertwined.
Physical equivalences, magnetic tools and without caption.

Porteront rameaux ceux dont l’endurance sait user la nuit noueuse qui précède et suit l’éclair. Leur parole reçoit existence du fruit intermittent qui la propage en se dilacérant. Ils sont les fils incestueux de l’entaille et du signe, qui élevèrent aux margelles le cercle en fleurs de la jarre du ralliement. La rage des cents les maintient encore dévêtus. Contre eux vole un duvet de nuit noire.  René Char, Le Nu Perdu.

What is really inspiring is the free and bare writing of the poem.  To restore the naked image we had in the early days, in its original fragility, the fragility we have been trying to overcome over the years.  In the poem, the disintegration of norms suggests an unsettling world where apparent benevolence transcends humanity’s worst evils.

Blue.  That of bruises, confusions, since the blue of the sky has disappeared.

Blue, vector of destitution.

The lyrics of the poem, like the evils sprinkled in the course of life, are a trail of concerns, of brutal realities that, every day, overwhelm us more.  Facing them, facing the nameless emptiness that is beauty itself, here we are silent and motionless.