Phantasmagoria I and II 92cmX73cm
With a sole exception, our world is the same as the world of others.
But the intimate, sensual, chimeric part belongs only to oneself.
To see the rise of a questioning humanity.
Sleeper 50cmX100cm
That what is being drawn becomes real
The living in its simplest form
Matter, monochrome, black feature,
guess what ventures there and disappears, them comes back differently just to disappear again
Explore matter, its light, its latent volumes, its future.
Black series n°404 130cmX97cm
See as in a mirror,
the reflection of the intimite, sensual, chemical part that belongs only to onself – only to each os us.
The presence of bodies – figural. I can’t (won’t?) do without it.
What exasperates me on the outside delights me in the workshop.
Variations and metamorphoses of the body.
Digging this furrow and not exploiting a seam.
Everything remains to be invented.